Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Picker Me Upper

Since I needed a laugh after being emotionally drained yesterday, I made up a joke since I found others conventionally funny. So I call today's invention, 'Logic Defying Joke'.

How do you smell a rat?
Logic dictates that you hold it close.

How do you smell a rat from afar?
You can always smell a dirty rat from afar.

Dirty, clean or paraplegic, a rat is still a rat, right?
RAT-A-TAT-TAT! Thats why we shoot them down all the same!

Hahaha! That was so uplifting, just like a glass of champagne after work. I'm so perked up now.

Bring em' auditors on!!


waffles said...

What's an auditor?

Someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded.

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

i now have a headache.

keep the pecker up, yea!

[V]landa said...

hari ini tidak ada update?
kerja keras ke?

ps: i hope you're sihat 'wasiat' :)